Electrical Concepts

Articles cover electrical concepts such as per unit systems, industry jargon, etc.

Arc Flash Hazard Study – 5 Ways You Can Ruin It

The complete article written by Steve Coleman and Aleen Mohammed (PeGuru admin) is published in the Electrical Construction & Maintenance magazine. Read this article on ECMweb at: https://ecmweb.com/arc-flash/arc-flash-hazard-evaluation Article Abstract: If you are conducting an arc flash study, you are probably using one of the many software packages that can perform the analysis for you […]

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Arc flash vs the HRC4 - 40Cal suit

Arc Flash Hazard Study – The Basics

Arc flash hazard is a huge concern in areas where you are operating medium voltage (1kV – 34kV) and low voltage (less than 1kV) equipment. Mostly because, when you inadvertently initiate a fault, an arc flash ensuing it releases enormous amount of heat energy. The composition of this arc includes molten bits of copper or aluminium busbar or cable.

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Arc flash vs the HRC4 - 40Cal suit

AC Power vs. DC Power – Why the AC system is better than a DC system

DC systems are great for moving bulk power at really high voltages. They are just not feasible for power distribution, however. AC systems provide easy means to deliver power to remote users from remote generating stations. A mix of both technologies is viable for the future power system.

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AC vs. DC System