Cable and Conduit Installation in Substations – Best Practices

Substations contain equipment that are controlled by relays. If the relay is installed at a remote location such as a control house then you need to lay down wires from the relay to the location where the equipment is in the yard. The process of laying wires can be as simple as directly burying them in the ground to pulling them through a conduit. Sometimes cable trenches are used. Site conditions, project funding, and the type of substation (bulk power vs. distribution) dictates which method is the most suitable.

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Direct Buried Conduit - PEguru - Power Systems Engineering

Why We Need Electrical Power Substations

We build substations for the following reasons: Practical Considerations for Power Substations To satisfy load growth When new communities or businesses develop in areas with limited or no existing power infrastructure, there is a strong case for constructing a nearby substation. Supplying power from distant substations is inefficient due to increased power loss as heat

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Power Transformer - power systems engineering - PEguru

Power Circuit Breaker – Operation and Control Scheme

Understanding a breaker scheme is important if you plan on designing a substation. Quite often, it is overwhelming to make sense of the entire scheme at a glance. The figure below depicting a circuit breaker scheme will be used to explain various elements of the PCB’s design and its control.

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Directional Comparison Unblocking (DCUB) Scheme

The DCUB Scheme, like POTT Scheme, uses two frequencies to maintain system protection. When the system is operating under normal condition, the transceiver emits the “Guard” frequency. When a fault appears in the system, the distance relays shift the carrier to “Trip” frequency. This is where the similarities between POTT and DCUB schemes end.

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Directional Comparison UnBlocking Scheme
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